
With my long experience as Technical Manager, Auditor,  International Sales Manager and in the Wind energy sector since 2005 and a great network I have a lot of experiance to offer you.

  •  I can help you negotiate new service and maintenance agreements.
  • We can support you thru the SPA process. 
  • Do you have an damaged main component, please contact me for support.
  • Project Manager on contract basis
  • Due Dilgences on projects.

Contellus AB 
"your support in wind"

"-First investment in Sweden?
We can help you thru the process!!

We can help you with following tasks.

- Set up a legal business unit. (Aktiebolag)
- Help with start of construction permit.
- Contact with authorities and stake holders.
- Find local entreprenours and get quotes.
- Perform Due Dilligences
- Tender proceses for service contract.
- Inspections TOC and Warranty.
- Periodical inspections to to follow up and audit the service company.

Don't hesitate to call us if you have any questions.