Welcome to Contellus AB

"-First green investment in Sweden?
We can help you thru the process"

"- Looking for some main components
Please let me help you find one"

Contellus Energy Group

"-First investment in Sweden? 

We can support you thru the process!!

We can help and support you with following tasks.

- Set up a legal business unit. (Aktiebolag)
- Help with start of construction permit.
- Contact with authorities and stake holders.
- Find local entreprenours and supply you with the  quotations.
- Perform Due Dilligences
- Tender processes for service contracts.
- Inspections TOC and Warranty.
- Periodical inspections to to follow up and audit the service company.
- Asset manager

Don't hesitate to call us if you have any questions.

Are you looking for spares?

Are you looking for a gearbox
, main shaft, generator or used wind turbines.
We have a great network to help you source what you are looking for.
Network in USA, India, Australia, Europe regarding main components and wind turbines.
Click on the gearbox to see what is available

What we can offer

High Voltage Inspection in the north part of Sweden E-82

TOC Inspection of 18 GE-2,5XL turbines.

Informationssida för
Vindpark Ulricehamn AB
Uppdaterad 24 November 2023
Vindpark Ulricehamn AB utreder möjligheten att etablera en vindpark vid Gästared i Ulricehamns kommun.  

Ni finner all information kring projektet här

Proud Sponsor 1914 club



Closing with EnBW. Transaction and sale of our project Contellus i Råmmarehemmet AB.


Closing process with Vattenfall Transaction and sales of the project Stigared in Ulricehamn.