Magnus Mjörnå

  • Contellus AB

In the wind business since 2005.
Competences from the previos works
- Inspections
- Sales (National and International)
- Project Manager
- Business Development
- Tender processes
- Evaluation of contracts
- Due Dilligences
- Wind Project Development
- Insurance cases
- Gearbox, main shaft and generator sales as International Key Account Manager.
- Wind turbine sales


  • Electricican for 12 years
  • 5 years study at KTH M.Sc program. Royal University of Technology Stockholm
  • Courses of contract laws at university of Halmstad
  • Financial courses University of Stockholm.
  • BAS U and BAS P
  • Grundbulten, Electric installations and High Voltage rules.
  • GWO certified
  • PPL VFR Pilot certified

Highest Credit ranking done by UC 2019.